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For a manager to be perceived as a positive manager they need a four to one positive to negative contact ratio.

African art is functional it serves a purpose. It's not a dormant. It's not a means to collect the largest cheering section. It should be healing a source a joy. Spreading positive vibrations.

My incarceration was actually a positive thing from the beginning. I needed a gimmick to get my act going again it gave me material.

But you see our society is still trapped in this binary black/white logic and that has had some very positive implications for our generation. It's had some very negative ones as well and one of the negative ones is that it creates enormous identity problems for people who have one black ancestor and all white ancestors for example.

What I have is P.H. positive chronic myeloid leukemia which is an aberration in your white blood cells.

And we can see the positive impacts right here at Solyndra. Less than a year ago we were standing on what was an empty lot.But through the Recovery Act this company received a loan to expand its operations. This new factory is the result of those loans.

Frustration although quite painful at times is a very positive and essential part of success.

You've done it before and you can do it now. See the positive possibilities. Redirect the substantial energy of your frustration and turn it into positive effective unstoppable determination.

I am involved with politics today because of the inspiration I received from Ronald Reagan.

When you're young with less on the line it's easier to be audacious to experiment. So I introduced the concerns of my generation - politics sex drugs rock-and-roll etc. - to the comics page which for many years caused a rolling furor.