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It makes sense that we came up with our public school system during the Industrial Revolution because it's like everybody is a factory worker eating their terrible food and going back to the room where you're silent and listening to an idiot. That's an epitomizing idea getting called 'Nothing' for your whole high school experience.

Listen - of course money changes everything but so does sunlight and so does food: These are powerful but neutral energy sources neither inherently good nor evil but shaped only by the way we use them.

A city is a place where there is no need to wait for next week to get the answer to a question to taste the food of any country to find new voices to listen to and familiar ones to listen to again.

You know if I listened to Michael Dukakis long enough I would be convinced we're in an economic downturn and people are homeless and going without food and medical attention and that we've got to do something about the unemployed.

There is a time to take counsel of your fears and there is a time to never listen to any fear.

Listen to what you know instead of what you fear.

The time to take counsel of your fears is before you make an important battle decision. That's the time to listen to every fear you can imagine! When you have collected all the facts and fears and made your decision turn off all your fears and go ahead!

When one has the feeling of dislike for evil when one feels tranquil one finds pleasure in listening to good teachings when one has these feelings and appreciates them one is free of fear.

Being famous is having the power to really implement positive change in the world and it gives you the power to do what you want. I'm really grateful for it because I can play music and people will listen.

There's the famous thing that the A&R man from the record company is supposed to do: He's supposed to come into the studio and listen to the songs you've been recording and then say 'Guys I don't hear any singles.' And then everybody falls into a terrible depression because you have to write one.

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'Funny Games' was conceived as a provocation. My other films are different. If people feel my other films are or respond to them as provocation then that's quite different. 'Funny Games' is the only one of mine where my intention was to provoke the audience.