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Doing nothing while the middle class is hurting. That's not leadership. Loose regulations and lax enforcement. That's not leadership. That's abandoning our middle class.

I want to use my position of leadership to help move along at a faster pace what I believe and know the Obama administration wants to do around the urgency of climate change.

There was no imminent threat. This was made up in Texas announced in January to the Republican leadership that war was going to take place and was going to be good politically. This whole thing was a fraud.

Half a world away nations that once lived under oppression and tyranny are now budding democracies due in large part to America 's leadership and the sacrifices of our military.

What nourishes us at home and in school is what inspires us. When we get awareness and learn about the great potential that we all human beings have we are able to discover our leadership.

Obama is thoroughly mixed up with all these things he's got. He's got to solve Libya. He's got to solve Afghanistan. He's everywhere. And this nation I don't know why it's not showing the leadership and capacity to attend different issues at the same time.

I have never been afraid to stand up to the leadership on issues where we disagree. If you chose to keep Cambridge Labour then I can continue to press the Government for the things that matter to you in a way that members of the opposition are unable to.

Sometimes leadership is planting trees under whose shade you'll never sit. It may not happen fully till after I'm gone. But I know that the steps we're taking are the right steps.

Clearly you need a new team to go out to bat on your behalf to fight for your rights and to report back to you personally and to the leadership of the IFP.

The things journalists should pay attention to are the issues the political leadership agrees on rather than to their supposed antagonisms.