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I spend so much time with the brightest and most talented and well-rounded people. I've had the privilege of having long and very intellectual conversations with people and sometimes I just sit there and listen. It's like a better version of a class. Even though I'm not sitting at a desk and in school I'm still learning all the time.

You go on these Internet blogs and people say the meanest things. I'm a normal person. Just because I'm in the spotlight doesn't mean I'm God's gift to the world. I'm learning and making mistakes just like every other 17-year-old girl out there.

Learning how to fly for me was so euphoric.

A basic rule of life for reporters is that you should spend your time talking with and learning about people who are not sending you press releases rather than those who are.

I've always had better luck learning things on my own. And I really love the challenge of doing it yourself and kind of being alone against the system.

One of our key strategies has been to restructure traditional high schools into small learning communities with personalized attention and a range of options.

Football management is such a pressurised thing - horseracing is a release. I'm also learning to play the piano - I'm quite determined - it's another release from the pressure of my job.

Ignorance of what real learning is and a consequent suspicion of it materialism and a consequent intellectual laxity both of these have done destructive work in the colleges.

My teachers helped guide and motivate me but the responsibility of learning was left with me an approach to learning which was later reinforced by my experiences at Amherst.

If this validates anything it's that learning how to bunt and hit and run and turning two is more important than knowing where to find the little red light at the dug out camera.