Search For dream In Quotes 1133

We can bring to characters dark and bright sides that nobody even dreams about.

Dreams take you beyond what you think you can do in life.

Dreams grow holy put in action.

In my wildest dreams I never thought - well I never thought I'd work.

Our citizens and those who have gone before us charted the broad outlines of where we need to go and they would envy our opportunity to translate those dreams into action. And I believe they will judge us very harshly should we fail to act.

People have to remain positive and believe in those dreams. It's really important.

It is possible for a kid from east Texas raised in south central LA and Carson who believes in his dreams commits himself to them with his heart to touch them and to have them happen.

I've been blessed by doing classic plays on Broadway which was one of my great dreams forever.

There's a logic to dreams that doesn't necessarily follow linear narrative. You don't know why things happen it's your subconscious pushing you to give you information.

Dreams have as much influence as actions.

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The PRC is the big brother in this relationship and it has the capacity to be generous to Taiwan on this issue in a manner that might do much to defuse that issue internally in Taiwan.