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It is time for corporate America to become 'the third pillar' of social change in our society complementing the first two pillars of government and philanthropy. We need the entire private sector to begin committing itself not just to making profits but to fulfilling higher and larger purposes by contributing to building a better world.

The question remains: which brands will commit to creating a private sector pillar of social change and which will become casualties of their own outdated thinking?

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world indeed it's the only thing that ever has.

Do business managers have a commitment to anything more than the success of their company and to making money? It would be hard to say that they do. Indeed many business leaders deny that there is any conflict between self-interest and the interests of all.

Commitments are one of the worst things to have in the music business. They're very annoying.

Integrate purpose into your for-profit business model through a long term commitment to a cause that is aligned with your core values and those of your community.

The best men of the best epochs are simply those who make the fewest blunders and commit the fewest sins.

The beauty of a strong lasting commitment is often best understood by men incapable of it.

It was one of those evenings when men feel that truth goodness and beauty are one. In the morning when they commit their discovery to paper when others read it written there it looks wholly ridiculous.

Evil is committed without effort naturally fatally goodness is always the product of some art.

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I know that. I'm having a ball. I'm not slap happy. I'm just filled up with joy and with peace and with all kinds of things that have eluded me for quite a few years. And they're back and they're thriving.