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The cool thing is that now that people have made this evolution where cooking is cool people are doing it on weekends they're doing their own challenges. It's back to cooking. And it's real cooking.

It was a huge challenge to learn digital painting well enough so that computers don't pop into mind when one sees one.

One of the biggest challenges we had in the first decade was not that many people had personal computers. There weren't that many people to sell to and it was hard to identify them.

Making movies is not rocket science. It's about relationships and communication and strangers coming together to see if they can get along harmoniously productively and creatively. That's a challenge. When it works it's fantastic and will lift you up. When it doesn't work it's almost just as fascinating.

I think we have to face the reality that in a society where there is a legitimate threat of terrorism not being able to see one's face not being able to have some sense of communication in that way is for many societies a challenge.

A powerful idea communicates some of its strength to him who challenges it.

There are many challenges there are many obstacles let us try to change the obstacles to advantages.

Close elections tend to break toward the challenger because undecided voters - having held out so long against the incumbent - are by nature looking for change.

The challenge is not to replace Obama but with who. It's not enough to just change up the uniform if we don't change the team and the game plan we won't save our country.

It is quite annoying that we have to change the sound we invented just to avoid sounding like people who simply copy us but... it is flattering and of course challenging.