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I'm very manipulative towards directors. My theory is that everyone on the set is directing the film we're all receiving art messages from the universe on how we should do the film.

I love art dealers. In some ways they're my favorite people in the art world. Really. I love that they put their money where their taste is create their own aesthetic universes support artists employ people and do all of this while letting us see art for free. Many are visionaries.

Good manners is the art of making those people easy with whom we converse. Whoever makes the fewest people uneasy is the best bred in the room.

Works of art in my opinion are the only objects in the material universe to possess internal order and that is why though I don't believe that only art matters I do believe in Art for Art's sake.

Each of us have things and thoughts and descriptions of an amazing universe in our possession that kings in the 17th Century would have gone to war to possess.

Science is one of a handful of things that defines us as a very special species. It is amazing how far we have been able to get and how accurate our predictions are. I think understanding how the universe was born is very important. It really gives us a perspective on many things.

The video game culture was an important thing to keep alive in the film because we're in a new era right now. The idea that kids can play video games like Grand Theft Auto or any video game is amazing. The video games are one step before a whole other virtual universe.

For each one of us stands alone in the midst of a universe.

Should we find a second form of life right here on our doorstep we could be confident that life is a truly cosmic phenomenon. If so there may well be sentient beings somewhere in the galaxy wondering as do we if they are not alone in the universe.

I am very averse to bringing myself forward in print but as my account will only appear as an appendage to a former production and as it will be confined to such topics as have connection with my authorship alone I can hardly accuse myself of a personal intrusion.