Search For sports In Quotes 599

I love sports and I love sports movies.

And I realized that there was no sports reporter so I started covering sporting events.

Social cohesion was built into language long before Facebook and LinkedIn and Twitter - we're tribal by nature. Tribes today aren't the same as tribes thousand of years ago: It isn't just religious tribes or ethnic tribes now: It's sports fans it's communities it's geography.

I think life is sort of like a competition whether it's in sports or it's achieving in school or it's achieving good relationships with people. And competition is a little bit of what it's all about.

But I was very much into sports when I was a child.

That's what Major League Baseball's steroid scandal was all about the hidden harm in competitive sports that sends the wrong message to the young.

Sports is the only entertainment where no matter how many times you go back you never know the ending.

That's the biggest problem with boxing in the United States. They do not promote it like they used to when it used to be Howard Cosell and they showed it on 'Wide World of Sports.' Everybody knew all the fighters. Everybody was looking forward to the year when the Olympics came on.

One of the most difficult things for people who have been successful in sports is adapting to the daily world where you can't get an answer from someone until 5 o'clock tomorrow. There is always an excuse. Living 40 or 50 years like that doesn't get too exciting after a while.

Major sports are major parts of society. It's not anomalous to have people who love sports come from other parts of that society.