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America's most dangerous diseases have developed an immunity to politics. We suffer not from a failure of political organization or power but a failure of love.

As is known it is in the realm of experience inaugurated by psychoanalysis that we may grasp along what imaginary lines the human organism in the most intimate recesses of its being manifests its capture in a symbolic dimension.

Have you ever watched someone become American? Last week at a national citizenship conference I organize thirty immigrants from 17 countries swore an oath and became citizens of the United States. It was a stirring experience for the hundreds of people in the room.

When I was 27 years old I organized legal aid clinics to help low-income seniors. It was a life-altering experience.

Words are capable of making experience more vivid and also of organizing it. They can scare us and they can comfort us.

I prefer to think of the audience as a single living organism with which I am sharing a singular never-to-be-repeated experience.

On the road to equality there is no better place for blacks to detour around American values than in forgoing its example in the treatment of its women and the organization of its family.

The American economic political and social organization has given to its citizens the benefits of material prosperity political liberty and a wholesome natural equality and this achievement is a gain not only to Americans but to the world and to civilization.

Looking back there is nothing wrong with that peace love and equality that the hippies espoused. In many ways we have regressed because they were into organic food back to nature make love not war be good to all men share and share alike - which is what many are talking about now.

I want to organize so that women see ourselves as people who are entitled to power entitled to leadership.