Search For media In Quotes 340

With our work at Kazaa we began seeing growing broadband connections and more powerful computers and more streaming multimedia and we saw that the traditional way of communicating by phone no longer made a lot of sense.

It appears that the media filters we carry in our heads are like computers: they've been forced to get faster in order to keep up with the demands our high-speed society puts on them.

Technology is like water it wants to find its level. So if you hook up your computer to a billion other computers it just makes sense that a tremendous share of the resources you want to use - not only text or media but processing power too - will be located remotely.

My two daughters live on Facebook and social media is their mode of communication.

Today most young women are exposed to technology at a very young age with mobile phones tablets the Web or social media. They are much more proficient with technology than prior generations since they use it for all their school work communication and entertainment.

Just as characteristic perhaps is the intellectual interdependence created through the development of the modern media of communication: post telegraph telephone and popular press.

We need men and women to sit down and talk to each other about sex honestly and openly. That would help us fight Aids so immediately. But our lack of communication is hugely problematic.

Societies have always been shaped more by the nature of the media by which men communicate than by the content of the communication.

Our most tragic error may have been our inability to establish a rapport and a confidence with the press and television with the communication media. I don't think the press has understood me.

I'm a typical middle child. I'm the mediator. The one that makes everything OK puts their own needs aside to make sure everybody's happy. It's hard to change your nature even with years and years of therapy.