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Many thousands of youth have been deprived of the benefit of education thereby their morals ruined and talents irretrievably lost to society for want of cultivation: while two parties have been idly contending who should bestow it.

The zeitgeist is for cutting spending and balancing the budget. But I do not want the Republican Party to be perceived as putting the budget ahead of people jobs and education.

Economists report that a college education adds many thousands of dollars to a man's lifetime income - which he then spends sending his son to college.

In the year since we brought things into the open with a clean breath of fresh air at City Hall we have learned about corrupt spending practices and unethical conflicts of interest that waste your money... and keep Dallas from being the great city of our dreams.

Youth is in a grand flush like the hot days of ending summer and pleasant dreams thrall your spirit like the smoky atmosphere that bathes the landscape of an August day.

Unless you're living on the street and surviving on a diet of discarded turkey drumsticks there's no point in being gloomy. We've spent too long trying to cheer ourselves up by spending money on brightly coloured things we don't really need. We've stopped using our imaginations.

When we were in the design studio I always was pretending like I was in a closet asking my friend before I step out into the world what do I look like? And everybody wants that honest friend before they go and go to dinner or go to an event.

We thought it would be fun to try to design a show that would work well internationally and so that' s what we're intending to do with Fraggle Rock and we are indeed now selling it around the world.

Death doesn't frighten me now I can think peacefully of ending a long life.

Lots of people there seemed to be in denial in absolute denial of death - everybody's pretending that death doesn't happen in L.A. if you do enough exercise and take enough wheatgrass and have your pill every day you might not die.

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A rude nature is worse than a brute nature by so much more as man is better than a beast: and those that are of civil natures and genteel dispositions are as much nearer to celestial creatures as those that are rude and cruel are to devils.