Search For elves In Quotes 892

My progress was rendered delightful by the sylvan elegance of the groves chearful meadows and high distant forests which in grand order presented themselves to view.

For whatever reason not all people are born with the particular gift of being able to express ourselves through music. And believe me it is a gift.

Music is the effort we make to explain to ourselves how our brains work. We listen to Bach transfixed because this is listening to a human mind.

Music is a lady that I still love because she gives me the air that I breathe. We need all sorts of nourishment. And music satisfies and nourishes the hunger within ourselves for connection and harmony.

No matter how many times people say it - 'Oh I'm just writing this for myself' 'Oh I'm just doing this for myself' - nobody's doing it for themselves! You're doing it for an audience. So whether I'm performing or writing a book or playing music it's definitely to be put out there and to be received in some way definitely.

Music has healing power. It has the ability to take people out of themselves for a few hours.

I want my fans to love themselves. It's almost like I want to hypnotize them so when they hear my music they love themselves instantly.

In music the passions enjoy themselves.

If it were the Clinton people they'd be sitting around figuring out how to pull themselves out. Instead the president is continuing to go around the country and peddling Social Security which the needle is not moving on.

If you're not a real chameleon of an actor and if you're not one of those guys who can really shape-change themselves all the time one of the ways to keep pushing yourself and keep changing is to be in different kinds of movies.