Search For elation In Quotes 1287

Well my relationship to America at the time I left was very limited.

So I developed very early a massive inferiority complex and I've told the story often about how that inspired me later in life to get involved in other things because I couldn't out-do my brothers in sports and it's a very competitive relationship.

All true meaning resides in the personal relationship to a phenomenon what it means to you.

We were in a relationship for eight years and we maybe saw each other total for a year.

There's an ethic that says: 'You don't run off to the church for the sacraments of salvation you establish a personal relationship with God. You don't run off to the courts for justice you settle it yourself. You don't run off to labor unions to sort out your work relations you can take this job and shove it if you don't like what you're doing.'

I've got a new relationship and I'm trapped in this old life.

Having had that experience... I think what modern culture wants to see is the relationship with the woman. I don't think you can tell a story on film nowadays where the woman simply is there for the man when he decides to settle down.

Relationship movies are often made for a female audience.

Till now I have never shot a scene without taking account of what stands behind the actors because the relationship between people and their surroundings is of prime importance.

Writing is my obsession my passion. My relationship with it is one of the most complex and agonizing and richly vexing that I have in my life.

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Technology is such a broad kind of term it really applies to so many things from the electric light to running cars on oil. All of these different things can be called technology. I have kind of a love-hate relationship with it as I expect most people do. With the computer I spend so many hours sitting in front of a computer.