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There is not a single Muslim leader today who has the courage and commitment to defend Islam and Muslims they are all in awe of the United States and other Western powers and are indebted to them.

Killing yourself is a major commitment it takes a kind of courage. Most people just lead lives of cowardly desperation. It's kinda half suicide where you just dull yourself with substances.

Soldiers when committed to a task can't compromise. It's unrelenting devotion to the standards of duty and courage absolute loyalty to others not letting the task go until it's been done.

If we are to survive we must have ideas vision and courage. These things are rarely produced by committees. Everything that matters in our intellectual and moral life begins with an individual confronting his own mind and conscience in a room by himself.

Today we affirm a new commitment to live out our nation's promise through civility courage compassion and character.

And it's here and it's ready and we can really revolutionize the way we educate our children with tablet computers and I'm committed to doing whatever I can to speaking to whomever I can to send this signal - to pound this message home. Now is the time.

It is vital that the United States maintains open lines of communication with our allies. We must assure them of our commitment to eradicating global terrorism wherever it may reside or wherever it's given haven.

I believe we should reframe our response to climate change as an imperative for growth rather than merely being a way of being green or meeting environmental commitments.

I can't just say one time of the year I'm going to do something different. I have to commit to a lifestyle behavioral change and just try to be a little bit better today than I was yesterday.

I respect the astute and rigorously unsentimental David Horowitz as one of America's most original and courageous political analysts. He has the true 1960s spirit - audacious and irreverent yet passionately engaged and committed to social change.