Search For comfort In Quotes 303

Poverty is uncomfortable but nine times out of ten the best thing that can happen to a young man is to be tossed overboard and compelled to sink or swim.

All I try to do is create an atmosphere that seems comfortable enough that it removes tension and everyone feels free. If they feel free then behaviour happens small moments happen and that's what ultimately works the best for me.

The best thing to do is stare it in the face and move on. We have to face our fears and plow through. I think taking chances takes a lot more courage than staying stagnant and doing what's safe and comfortable.

Comfort in expressing your emotions will allow you to share the best of yourself with others but not being able to control your emotions will reveal your worst.

We are at our very best and we are happiest when we are fully engaged in work we enjoy on the journey toward the goal we've established for ourselves. It gives meaning to our time off and comfort to our sleep. It makes everything else in life so wonderful so worthwhile.

Rich men's houses are seldom beautiful rarely comfortable and never original. It is a constant source of surprise to people of moderate means to observe how little a big fortune contributes to Beauty.

The arts quite simply nourish the soul. They sustain comfort inspire. There is nothing like that exquisite moment when you first discover the beauty of connecting with others in celebration of larger ideals and shared wisdom.

Everyone has a different beauty and different qualities and I think that women need to learn to love their qualities and be comfortable in the fact that everyone is different.

Beauty to me is about being comfortable in your own skin.

The architect should strive continually to simplify the ensemble of the rooms should then be carefully considered that comfort and utility may go hand in hand with beauty.