Search For sting In Quotes 669

The work is challenging interesting and an important part of our legal system.

FOR a long time the conviction has been dimly felt in the community that without prejudice to existing institutions the legal day of weekly rest might be employed to advantage for purposes affecting the general good.

Upon the Constitution upon the pre-existing legal rights of the People as understood in this country and in England I have argued that this House is bound to revive the Petition under debate.

No oppression is so heavy or lasting as that which is inflicted by the perversion and exorbitance of legal authority.

I'm trusting in the Lord and a good lawyer.

My number one goal was not getting 'A's' - and I proved it. I was a 'C' student. You have to be ready to learn. If you're not interesting in learning it doesn't work. As I grew older and wanted to learn and desperately wanted inside information learning was a lot easier.

I'm now learning how to distinguish when I'm acting and when I'm not acting - offstage as well as onstage.

It's interesting when you've been a partner with someone for so long. So now to sing solo and starting all over again I am learning that I am more bodacious than I thought. I don't know where it's coming from but I am glad.

Travel provided many interesting experiences but perhaps the most useful lesson I learned was that I really had no proficiency for learning the thousands of characters of the written Chinese language.

We have a lot of existing customers which are also considering Linux desktop migrations and rolling out some of these programs so we're learning from them.