Search For sports In Quotes 599

People in the States used to think that if girls were good at sports their sexuality would be affected.

I did all the right things in so many tournaments. But like I said sometimes in sports it just goes the other way. Maybe you've already won so much that it evens it out a bit sometimes. I don't know.

There's steps that I've taken already and each week talking with the sports psychologist on a routine basis and working with the different programs that we're going through. This is all stuff that you can say you're going to make a difference but I'm putting it into action.

One of the reasons I'm an actor is because I was no physical specimen as a child. I wasn't athletic and didn't have any prowess in that regard. Growing up in Kentucky most little boys were trying to get into sports and it was very competitive so that was not to be. But I did want to do something.

I am a huge sports fan.

Denver is home to me and to be recognized for my achievements in the sports community here is a great honor.

I like people who are enthused about things they do like travel sports work. I like being with people who have things they're excited about.

I don't really like politics that much. And I like the order and simplicity of sports. They have an ending. You can argue with your friends about it but in the end you still like sports. I almost love the fantasy world of sports more than the real world.

I think that every single person should play sports.

As a result of Title IX and a new generation of parents who want their daughters to have the opportunities they never had women's sports have arrived.

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If you live a life of make-believe your life isn't worth anything until you do something that does challenge your reality. And to me sailing the open ocean is a real challenge because it's life or death.