Search For listen In Quotes 419

Of all human activities man's listening to God is the supreme act of his reasoning and will.

If God listened to the prayers of men all men would quickly have perished: for they are forever praying for evil against one another.

Reading about nature is fine but if a person walks in the woods and listens carefully he can learn more than what is in books for they speak with the voice of God.

There is no work however vile or sordid that does not glisten before God.

I cannot think that we are useless or God would not have created us. There is one God looking down on us all. We are all the children of one God. The sun the darkness the winds are all listening to what we have to say.

Weather means more when you have a garden. There's nothing like listening to a shower and thinking how it is soaking in around your green beans.

The future is built on brains not prom court as most people can tell you after attending their high school reunion. But you'd never know it by talking to kids or listening to the messages they get from the culture and even from their schools.

Since God knows our future our personalities and our capacity to listen He isn't ever going to say more to us than we can deal with at the moment.

I remember listening to the radio as a kid and finding that the songs always made me feel more peaceful. Funny but the more hurtin' the music was the better it made me feel. I think of that now when I write my songs. I may not be feelin' the blues myself but I'm writing them for other people who have a hard life.

I listen like mad to any conversation taking place next to me just trying to hear why this is funny. Women's restrooms are especially great. I wash my hands twice waiting for people to come in and start talking.