Search For imply In Quotes 322

Courage is simply the willingness to be afraid and act anyway.

Courage is not simply one of the virtues but the form of every virtue at the testing point.

Survival in the cool economics of biology means simply the persistence of one's own genes in the generations to follow.

All I know about thermal pollution is that if we continue our present rate of growth in electrical energy consumption it will simply take by the year 2000 all our freshwater streams to cool the generators and reactors.

Music is for people. The word 'pop' is simply short for popular. It means that people like it. I'm just a normal jerk who happens to make music. As long as my brain and fingers work I'm cool.

You don't have any communication between the Israelis and the Iranians. You have all sorts of local triggers for conflict. Having countries act on a hair trigger - where they can't afford to be second to strike - the potential for a miscalculation or a nuclear war through inadvertence is simply too high.

I do a little fact checking now and then. Other than that its impact is simply that email has revolutionized communication for me and my website has built up a community of readers which is a lot of fun.

I try to just communicate what I want done as clearly and simply as possible.

There was a great complexity to my father. He was a devoted family man. But in the same breath he simply was not suited to an anchored life. He should have been somebody who had a backpack an old map a bit of change in his pocket and that was it - roaming the world.

I am a type-2 diabetic and they took me off medication simply because I ate right and exercised. Diabetes is not like a cancer where you go in for chemo and radiation. You can change a lot through a basic changing of habits.