Search For honest In Quotes 335

I'm honest about the journey I've been on so I definitely don't take dating lightly anymore.

I don't know any of us who are in relationships that are totally honest - it doesn't exist.

I know who my dad is I've met him a few times but I don't even call him dad. I know it sounds horrible but I don't even see him as part of my family to be honest. If you want the truth it doesn't bother me because I don't know any different. I just know that me and my mum that was my family.

From my dad I learned to be good to people to always be honest and straightforward. I learned hard work and perseverance.

Indians mock their corrupt politicians relentlessly but they regard their honest politicians with silent suspicion. The first thing they do when they hear of a supposedly 'clean' politician is to grin. It is a cliche that honest politicians in India tend to have dishonest sons who collect money from people seeking an audience with Dad.

Also to be honest my dad wanted me to be an athlete. And I think all sons want to prove something to their dad. So now aged 35 I want to see what I can achieve physically.

My dad is a really honest hardworking straight guy.

My dad used to say 'You have to become part of the machine to beat the machine ' and there's some validity in it. But honestly even when I'm inside the machine you still see me. I stick out a little bit.

But I honestly don't read critics. My dad reads absolutely everything ever written about me. He calls me up to read ecstatic reviews but I always insist that I can't hear them. If you give value to the good reviews you have to give value to the criticism.

I asked my daughter when she was 16 What's the buzz on the street with the kids? She's going to be honest Dad most of my friends aren't into Kiss. But they've all been told that it's the greatest show on Earth.