Search For freed In Quotes 1087

I've never let producers tell me what to do. Even when I was making television I always did what I wanted to do and if I couldn't I didn't do it. It was a freedom that these days young directors starting out don't have.

Native Americans are the original inhabitants of the land that now constitutes the United States. They have helped develop the fundamental principles of freedom of speech and separation of powers that form the foundation of the United States Government.

That's free enterprise friends: freedom to gamble freedom to lose. And the great thing - the truly democratic thing about it - is that you don't even have to be a player to lose.

In America it's live by the sword of freedom of expression and be will to die by it as well.

If liberty has any meaning it means freedom to improve.

I wish we would all remember that being American is not just about the freedom we have it is about those who gave it to us.

Freedom of religion is a principle that is central to our Nation's Declaration of Independence. Congress has taken this positive step to protect our freedom to express allegiance to America's flag and the ideals it represents.

So keep fightin' for freedom and justice beloveds but don't you forget to have fun doin' it. Lord let your laughter ring forth. Be outrageous ridicule the fraidy-cats rejoice in all the oddities that freedom can produce.

Wealth is a tool of freedom but the pursuit of wealth is the way to slavery.

What does it mean to be an American? While each of us may have our own specific answer to that question we likely can agree on the basic principles of America: freedom equal opportunity and rights accompanied by responsibilities.

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I've always wanted to get into acting ever since I was younger. I'd put on shows for my family and run around play dress-up all the time. I think I was 4 when I told them I wanted to do movies.