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Women oftentimes are the ones making those economic decisions sitting around the kitchen table and trying to figure out how to pay for rising gas prices or food prices or the health insurance costs. And I think that they see where they expect their leaders in Congress to also make those tough decisions.

We are not really privy to all that crazy stuff that goes on in the show. I go to work eat and talk about food. The wild things happen when we aren't around. I expected Top Chef to last three or four seasons and we are now shooting season ten.

It's all about who's where on the food chain. When I'm the story editor I expect my writers to follow my vision. When I'm working for another editor I'm obliged to follow their vision.

Never hurry. Take plenty of exercise. Always be cheerful. Take all the sleep you need. You may expect to be well.

The fear of burglars is not only the fear of being robbed but also the fear of a sudden and unexpected clutch out of the darkness.

I expect nothing. I fear no one. I am free.

To work without attachment is to work without the expectation of reward or fear of any punishment in this world or the next. Work so done is a means to the end and God is the end.

Fear is not in the habit of speaking truth when perfect sincerity is expected perfect freedom must be allowed nor has anyone who is apt to be angry when he hears the truth any cause to wonder that he does not hear it.

At the time when this famous historical battle was fought in Kosovo the people were looking at the stars expecting aid from them. Now six centuries later they are looking at the stars again waiting to conquer them.

Italian girls are famous for being snobby and expecting men to make the first move. In America if I don't make eye contact the guys won't come over and talk. American girls just go for it. You men are spoiled.