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When they call the slightest spending reductions 'painful' we will say 'If government spending prevents pain why are we suffering so much of it?' And 'If you want to experience real pain just stay on the track we are on.'

In our society daily experience teaches the individual to want and need a never-ending supply of new toys and drugs.

I have such happy memories of performing in a choir and I don't think I'd have got where I am today without all that experience. So my advice to young singers is to either join your school or church's choir or find one in your local area. Choral music at any level teaches you so much about musicianship and blending your voice.

In order to experience everyday spirituality we need to remember that we are spiritual beings spending some time in a human body.

Is there an equality of power between America and Iraq? Definitely not however the Iraqi people are standing fast and are defending their land courageously.

The unionists also for their part want to minimise the potential for change not only on the equality agenda but on the issues of sovereignty and ending the union.

You will die but the carbon will not its career does not end with you. It will return to the soil and there a plant may take it up again in time sending it once more on a cycle of plant and animal life.

Increased awareness and education could be a great help toward improving spending and saving habits and increasing participation and contribution levels to retirement plans.

You can't stand for too many things. You can't use the bully pulpit for too many things. So I promise you every day I am going to talk about jobs spending and education.

By climbing a steeper road the value and appreciation Delaware State students took and continue to take from their education and their experiences is just as great if not greater than students attending ivy league schools.