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I grew up in a time when being a musician and learning to be a musician was actually very wonderful.

I've been making sushi for 38 years and I'm still learning. You have to consider the size and color of the ingredients how much salt and vinegar to use and how the seasons affect the fattiness of the fish.

Doing a documentary is about discovering being open learning and following curiosity.

Learning something new is fun.

I have six sisters so I assumed I'd have a girl. Learning I was having a boy was really weird.

It's not just about filming you go to awards and interviews too. I enjoy all of it even learning my lines!

We're learning as we go. We're a lot smarter this time. We understand what it takes to mobilize away from the threat of a hurricane.

Since its founding in 1854 Penn State has proven to be a leading institution of higher learning.

I'm most interested in working and learning from different people and telling good stories.

The hardest thing was learning to write. I was 13 and the only writing I had done was for Social Studies. It consisted of copying passages right out of the encyclopedia.