Search For comfort In Quotes 303

I've got Asperger's syndrome and I'm not a very good people person so I've always been more comfortable around machinery. Not in a weird way - I don't want to marry my car or anything stupid like that!

I think you have to feel comfortable with your car. You have to go into turn one every lap with confidence. You have to be sure of yourself and your equipment.

I look away at car crashes and I know people who look away at car crashes because it makes us uncomfortable to watch other people in pain.

America... just a nation of two hundred million used car salesmen with all the money we need to buy guns and no qualms about killing anybody else in the world who tries to make us uncomfortable.

You can never get to a place of comfort in this business. As soon as you hit that little cushy spot somebody's gonna kick you out. So I have a constant need to do it better.

There is a growing literature about the multitude of journalism's problems but most of it is concerned with the editorial side of the business possibly because most people competent to write about journalism are not comfortable writing about finance.

We're not uncomfortable with it and we've already been through enough of the music business where I'm not really worried that commercial success is going to in some way - we're already past saving you know what I mean? It's too late for us.

I worked hard all my life as far as this music business. I dreamed of the day when I could go to New York and feel comfortable and they could come out here and be comfortable.

I get uncomfortable when people give me presents and watch me open them. I don't have birthday parties because the idea of a group of people singing and looking at me while I'm blowing out candles gives me hives.

I'm most comfortable in my birthday suit.