Search For unity In Quotes 679

The Leadership Training Institute of America is a cultural think tank providing training and opportunity in leadership development and cultural dynamics.

And if the imam and the Muslim leadership in that community is so intent on building bridges then they should voluntarily move the mosque away from ground zero and move it whether it's uptown or somewhere else but move it away from that area the same as the pope directed the Carmelite nuns to move a convent away from Auschwitz.

Labor under their current leadership want to be the Downtown Abbey party when it comes to educational opportunity. They think working class children should stick to the station in life they were born into - they should be happy to be recognized for being good with their hands and not presume to get above themselves.

I urge the Iraqi leadership for sake of its own people... to seize this opportunity and thereby begin to end the isolation and suffering of the Iraqi people.

To meet the expectations of the majority of our people and to open up new vistas of economic opportunity so that the aspirations of Nigerians can stand a fair chance of being fulfilled in a lifetime there must be a truly committed leadership in a democratic Nigeria.

It is the responsibility of leadership to provide opportunity and the responsibility of individuals to contribute.

I emphasize self-esteem self-confidence and dignity not as an ideal but as a real test of community organization. Without leadership development community organizations do not have staying power.

Leadership is an opportunity to serve. It is not a trumpet call to self-importance.

Leadership is a privilege to better the lives of others. It is not an opportunity to satisfy personal greed.

If a window of opportunity appears don't pull down the shade.