Search For trans In Quotes 369

Upon books the collective education of the race depends they are the sole instruments of registering perpetuating and transmitting thought.

Education is the transmission of civilization.

Our citizens and those who have gone before us charted the broad outlines of where we need to go and they would envy our opportunity to translate those dreams into action. And I believe they will judge us very harshly should we fail to act.

Just what future the Designer of the universe has provided for the souls of men I do not know I cannot prove. But I find that the whole order of Nature confirms my confidence that if it is not like our noblest hopes and dreams it will transcend them.

Great dreams of great dreamers are always transcended.

Our typical Western diet is full of inflammatory fats - saturated fats trans fats too many omega-6 inflammatory processed vegetable oils like soy and corn oils. These increase IGF-1 and stimulate pimple follicles.

By means of tracing-paper I transfer my design to the wood and draw on that.

Through all aspects of society be it art design the financial markets government technology or communications we are witnessing unprecedented global transformation - the result of which is impossible to predict.

I have an all-Japanese design team and none of them speak English. So it's often funny and surprising how my ideas end up lost in translation.

Design is the fundamental soul of a man-made creation that ends up expressing itself in successive outer layers of the product or service. The iMac is not just the color or translucence or the shape of the shell. The essence of the iMac is to be the finest possible consumer computer in which each element plays together.