Well first of all it's a business and it's a tough business and you have to have the strength to survive all the set backs all the failures that make this a mean business that's getting meaner and meaner every year in my opinion.
I've been doing a lot of drama but I feel like comedy is my strength.
Women's strength women's industry women's wisdom are humankind's greatest untapped resource. The challenge then for U.N. Women is to show our diverse constituencies how this resource can be effectively tapped in ways that benefit us all.
You can have financial strength professional strength emotional strength but for me without spiritual strength none of the rest of it matters.
There is a growing strength in women but it's in the forehead not the forearm.
We've got to demonstrate why European unity and integration our vast single market our single currency equip us with the strength to embrace globalization.
My strength is my enthusiasm.
I was always trying to make up for my size to compensate. So to get people to take you seriously you have to come at things with a great deal of strength. You have to emphasize that the way you are is unusual. That you don't come along every day.
The key element in tragedy is that heroes and heroines are destroyed by that which appears to be their greatest strength.
Each particular society begins to feel its strength whence arises a state of war between different nations.