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The only thing I would unequivocally say is that I have never had any interest in romantic comedy I just couldn't do it. I think I'd be terrible.

I will never say never but I will say never to doing the more typical romantic comedies. You know unless I'm getting audited and I'm on the street and I desperately need some dough and that's the only thing that I'm getting.

People expect me to be dark and gloomy then write that I'm a jolly chap and after all that is what I am. I think it's a case of an absolute romantic naivety that there should be a parallel between the work and the artist.

My new movie Fools Rush In is a romantic comedy and the girl I play in that is very warm very sweet.

I don't think Hollywood knows what to do with me. I would imagine that when it comes to romantic comedies my name would be pretty low down on the list.

If I eat a huge meal and I can get the girl to rub my belly I think that's about as romantic as I can think of.

Suddenly I've got an overwhelming desire to surround myself with the aura of classical and Romantic art.

On 'The Office ' so much of the show is about disguising your true feelings and your romantic feelings because it was a mock documentary.

I have such a rich fantasy life I can't help it. I do make up a lot of romantic stories in my head.

I had these kind of unrealistic expectations that were fueled by romantic comedies and it has both helped me and hurt me in many ways. It helped me because in general they've made me hopeful. I just figure things will eventually work out for me. But nobody is like any Tom Hanks character. Nobody is Hugh Grant. No one is Meg Ryan!