Search For posed In Quotes 328

If you go and talk to most people they mean well but they don't have much of a breadth on education of knowledge of understanding what the real issues are and therefore they listen to pundits on television who tell them what they are supposed to think and they keep repeating that until pretty soon they say 'Oh well that must be true.'

I think I am done with Wikipedia for the time being. But I have a secret hope. Someone recently proposed a Wikimorgue - a bin of broken dreams where all rejects could still be read as long as they weren't libelous or otherwise illegal.

When I look back over my life it's almost as if there was a plan laid out for me - from the little girl who was so passionate about animals who longed to go to Africa and whose family couldn't afford to put her through college. Everyone laughed at my dreams. I was supposed to be a secretary in Bournemouth.

Our life is composed greatly from dreams from the unconscious and they must be brought into connection with action. They must be woven together.

Let me pose you a question. Can farm-raised salmon be organic when its feed has nothing to do with its natural diet even if the feed itself is supposedly organic and the fish themselves are packed tightly in pens swimming in their own filth?

I'm on this diet where you're supposed to eat only fish and meat.

Being non-commercial is never an ambition. Movies come together at different points for fortuitous reasons. You do them as you get the opportunity as opposed to doing them when you choose to or design to.

So that ideas of sort of relaxed symmetry have been something for years that I have been concerned with because I think that symmetry is a neutral shape as opposed to a form of design.

Patrick Henry did not say 'Give me absolutely safety or give me death.' America is supposed to be about freedom.

I'm not supposed to be able to speak clearly and decipher what's going on in the media. I'm supposed to be the typical amateur who's 22 and scared to death and can't believe he won the Olympics.