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As far as Iraq the important thing is that the Taliban is gone in Afghanistan three-quarters of the al-Qaida leadership is either dead or in jail and we now have Saudi Arabia working with us Pakistan working with us.

Many citizens see all the leadership of these large institutions together in a conspiracy against them rather than in any adversary relationship with each other.

So I think that our foreign policy the president's strong and principled leadership when it comes to the war against terror and foreign policy is going to be an asset.

If Ralph Nader runs President Bush is going to be re-elected and if Ralph Nader doesn't run President Bush is going to be re-elected. We're going to run on the president's strong and principled leadership and his positive agenda for a second term.

In addition to removing our democratically elected government Israel wants to sow dissent among Palestinians by claiming that there is a serious leadership rivalry among us. I am compelled to dispel this notion definitively.

In terms of having views and being prepared to express them yes I think New Zealand's had a leadership role in a lot of things.

In this nation leadership is dollars.

In the area we're discussing leadership begins on Madison Avenue on the desks and in the offices of people who spend hundreds of millions of dollars buying what will get them ratings.

I think the greater responsibility in terms of morality is where leadership begins.

I think most Americans understand that we went through a period in which American leadership was judged quite critically internationally.