Search For freed In Quotes 1087

Every American deserves to live in freedom to have his or her privacy respected and a chance to go as far as their ability and effort will take them - regardless of race gender ethnicity or economic circumstances.

None of us had any idea of how successful Downton was going to be. I thought I was signing up for another period drama that had a slightly modern feel. It had a freedom about it because it was coming out of the head of Julian Fellowes. Anything could happen and generally did.

Is Walt turning over in his grave? A man named Joe Roth runs Disney right now-he gave me the go-ahead and total freedom to do whatever I wanted to do.

My philosophy is don't take no for an answer and be willing to sacrifice your entire project for freedom.

An open society is a society which allows its members the greatest possible degree of freedom in pursuing their interests compatible with the interests of others.

The communitarians may say you've been enjoying too much individual freedom and that you must give up some of that for the benefit of the community. But they really mean that they want more power over your life - to force you to subsidize obey and conform to their choices.

Freedom and responsibility aren't interconnected things. They are the same thing.

Liberty freedom and democracy are very fuzzy words but human rights is very specific.

Private ownership of property is vital to both our freedom and our prosperity.

For us holding on to religious rules and following them and refraining from what's forbidden and being diligent with our duties what do we call that? That's what we call freedom.