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I definitely wasn't cool in high school. I really wasn't. I did belong to many of the clubs and was in leadership on yearbook and did the musical theater route so I had friends in all areas. But I certainly did not know what to wear did not know how to do my hair all those things.

I even knew some of the dialogue but it was definitely cool to look at. We always argue that the movies should be loyal but in this case I could argue that it might have been too loyal.

Being on Oprah? You realize that there are a couple of types of audience members. There are like the cult people in the audience who are just crying before she gets on. And then there are the people who are playing it cool. I definitely was somewhere in the middle.

I'm physically completely mal-coordinated. My best friend used to make me run for the bus just to give herself a quick cheap laugh because I definitely don't have that sophisticated cool thing down.

I was in choir in school. I kind of just did it. I already knew I wanted to sing. My music program in my school wasn't really great - people didn't really want to be part of the choir they didn't want to do the plays and stuff like that. It definitely wasn't the cool thing to do.

I'm not the kind of person who tries to be cool or trendy I'm definitely an individual.

Man-made computers are limited in their performance by finite processing speed and memory. So too the cosmic computer is limited in power by its age and the finite speed of light.

I'm definitely open to change but at the same time I am quite stubborn.

What's certain is that a totalitarian enclave like Cuba's can't continue to exist so change will definitely come there eventually.

The more specific idea of Evolution now reached is - a change from an indefinite incoherent homogeneity to a definite coherent heterogeneity accompanying the dissipation of motion and integration of matter.