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Every relationship I've been in becomes long-distance because of work. It's never worked out. It puts an intense strain on the relationship and at a certain point it becomes too difficult.

In a relationship when things are really great you don't need to say anything and just enjoy the other person. Sometimes with a couple it gets dark and you don't know what to say and that silence can last all day. Other times you don't want to stop talking because you don't want to lose one another.

But the relationship of morality and power is a very subtle one. Because ultimately power without morality is no longer power.

It's developing a relationship with actors that makes it work.

A Bush Administration will I believe enjoy a better relationship with the new Congress although President-elect Bush will be faced with real challenges in getting along with the Congress.

If you have parents with a healthy relationship you don't learn that you don't have to be married. I thought being a healthy adult meant you had to have a spouse. I didn't know any different.

The key to successful missionary work is a close relationship between the missionaries and the members. Creating an environment in working with members that will bring more into the Church.

I have a beautiful son I don't regret it I'm very proud of the way that we handle our relationship and the way that we keep our son first and that's our priority.

I always felt sorry for the sidekick as a kid. They never got their due and it left a very bad taste in the mouth - they are defined by a subordinate relationship to someone else. I always felt like a bit of sidekick when I was a kid and it didn't feel fair.

What I would say about Barney Eastwood is that when our relationship worked it worked extremely well. He had a lot of strengths as a promoter and a manager.

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Since coming to Congress I have been advocating for increased resources for research in the physical sciences and for the Department of Energy Office of Science in particular.