Search For tryin In Quotes 628

I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has had to overcome while trying to succeed.

We got a little waylaid along the way. The whole problem started about 10 years ago with management and legal battles then still trying to make albums while I was doing all of that.

'Strictly Business' is about a young black man who is learning about himself and that applies to a lot of young black men those who are trying to find jobs. This film gives them a good look at that situation.

I come from Montana and in eastern Montana we have a lot of dirt between light bulbs. It is expensive trying to bring the new technologies to smaller schools to upgrade their technologies to take advantage of distance learning.

Diabetes is a disease that's had a deep impact on my family. My little brother has had type 1 diabetes since he was a baby and I have spent time learning about the disease and trying to bring attention to it so that one day soon we will reach a cure.

I spent many years trying to write a lot like Ben Folds or John Lennon or Rivers Cuomo. I think that's healthy when you're learning to write and seeing how chords fit together and how songs take shape.

I think as an actor you're always learning you're always trying to experience more things.

Children don't just play any more - they're far too busy learning to fence and taking extra French classes. In the end you're actually doing more damage to your children by trying to hot-house them. It's far better to remain a calm parent.

And initially a lot of companies avoid trying to make a really radical new kind of title for a new system because that would involve learning a new machine and learning how to make the new title at the same time.

Learning about all those different things psychologically - about grief and my own addictions and problems and stuff like that and really getting an education on it I think it was part of the process of it learning about it and trying to lick it.