Search For roman In Quotes 490

You cannot look up at the night sky on the Planet Earth and not wonder what it's like to be up there amongst the stars. And I always look up at the moon and see it as the single most romantic place within the cosmos.

If you look at romantic comedies as pieces of commerce the audience is looking for wish fulfillment.

I had no romantic interest in Gable. I considered him an older man.

I think I'm a romantic person yeah.

I'm a romantic guy.

I had to satisfy the action fans the romantic fans the intellectual fans. It was a terrific burden.

The state of New Jersey is really two places - terrible cities and wonderful suburbs. I live in the suburbs the final battleground of the American dream where people get married and have kids and try to scratch out a happy life for themselves. It's very romantic in that way but a bit naive. I like to play with that in my work.

I'm not what you might call sexy but I'm romantic. Let's put it that way.

I am a hopeless romantic. And I won't stop till I get it right.

I'm a big romantic so I love guys who are romantic too.