Search For married In Quotes 265

I've had four amazing men in my life very strong powerful wonderful men. I certainly will have a relationship with someone but I don't think I will get married again.

I am married to the most amazing generous and beautiful human being and it has been hard on him because from the outside if you look at it it's just all about me.

I'll always be this crazy fun person but when it's time to get married I'm going to be an amazing wife.

There was once a caustic comment from someone suggesting I was breeding a new race. Fans from different countries have married amazing things like that. I've been to some of the weddings. I went to one here the other day a pagan ceremony.

When it's over I want to say: all my life I was a bride married to amazement. I was the bridegroom taking the world into my arms.

I'm throwing myself back in because I like being married. I don't want to end this whole fabulous journey alone. I want someone by my side who I love and who loves me. I've finally found somebody who's up to the task of being my wife because I'm very high maintenance.

I've been left alone even by the paparazzi because what sells is sex and scandal. Absent that they really don't have much interest in you. I'm still married still working still happy.

I grew up in a very large family in a very small house. I never slept alone until after I was married.

I have noticed... that men usually leave married women alone and are inclined to treat all wives with respect. This is no great credit to married women.

I would rather be a beggar and single than a queen and married.