Search For intel In Quotes 852

Since 2001 the Patriot Act has provided the means to detect and disrupt terrorist threats against the U.S. Prior to enactment of the law major legal barriers prevented intelligence national defense and law enforcement agencies from working together and sharing information.

The security of the United States which is so dependent on having accurate and timely intelligence is not a Republican or a Democratic issue.

Intelligence is our first line of defense against terrorism and we must improve the collection capabilities and analysis of intelligence to protect the security of the United States and its allies.

So that to me is important that audiences are treated with an amount of respect toward their intelligence. Most Hollywood films don't respect their intelligence.

I refuse to be molded into some stereotypical ballplayer that has no interests really no life no depth no intelligence.

There's a lot of neuroscience now raising the question 'Is all the intelligence in the human body in the brain?' and they're finding out that no it's not like that. The body has intelligence itself and we're much more of an organic creature in that way.

The people who work in intelligence work are more conscious more apt to be attentive.

In Spain we should have enough intelligence enough sense of individual and collective responsibility to do for ourselves that which would be imposed upon us by a dictatorship.

Not all intelligence can be artificial now so if we make a mistake the consequences are no longer simply located within an institution or a national culture.

When AI approximates Machine Intelligence then many online and computer-run RPGs will move towards actual RPG activity. Nonetheless that will not replace the experience of 'being there ' any more than seeing a theatrical motion picture can replace the stage play.

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You got to fight for quality art and equality and all the things that we're fighting for the things we believe in. Choice and preference and all those things that we support. We don't want to give up that fight. You got to keep doing it.