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I think 'Family Guy' and 'American Dad' have definitely staked out their own style and territory and now the accusations are coming that 'The Simpsons' is taking jokes from 'Family Guy.' And I can tell you that ain't the case.

My dad read the Bible ten times and I want to do it in my lifetime. But it's definitely tough getting through.

I do love a bit of fashion. I grew up around a lot of it as my mum and dad had clothing stores so my mum was always designing a lot and I definitely had that as an influence.

I would have to say the person with whom I am most in love is definitely my son Everly Bear. Although I'm his dad I'm also his friend.

I can definitely say the older I've got the better I've become at being a dad and a husband.

I love my dad although I'm definitely critical of him sometimes like when his pants are too tight. But I love him so much and I try to be really supportive of him.

Definitely River Phoenix is somebody that I thought 'This guy is very cool.' I wanted to be like him when I was a kid.

I wasn't some weird loner in school but I definitely wasn't invited to any of the cool parties.

A guy's biggest style mistake is definitely trying to look too cool. As long as you've got a good pair of jeans a good pair of boots and a few good shirts you're fine.

I definitely dislike pomposity and artifice. I hope that I'm not that. Once I write a song it belongs to the world and the way people perceive it it's cool.