Search For expect In Quotes 419

Words matter especially words defining complicated political arrangements because they shape perceptions of the events of the past attitudes toward policies being carried out in the present and expectations about desirable directions for the future.

An expectation is a future object recognised as belonging to me.

The risk presented by these lethal wastes is like no other risk and we should not be expected to accept it or to project it into the future in order for manufacturers and utilities to make a dollar killing now.

Future orientation is combined with a notion and expectation of progress and nothing is impossible.

All my children have spoken for themselves since they first learned to speak and not always with my advance approval and I expect that to continue in the future.

I have great expectations for the future because the past was highly overrated.

Set your sights high the higher the better. Expect the most wonderful things to happen not in the future but right now. Realize that nothing is too good. Allow absolutely nothing to hamper you or hold you up in any way.

The last person they expected to connect with a screenplay was the comedic blonde actress with the funny voice.

It's so funny when you're actually directing because things start popping that you don't expect to pop and something that you think is going to pop maybe doesn't quite have the impetus that you thought it might.

I love Mikhail Bulgakov. He is very original and takes the story to unexpected places. I didn't realise political writing could be so funny.