I am honored that my freshman class colleagues have put their trust in me to represent our historic class at the leadership table. The incoming freshman class of Representatives is large and diverse but we share many common goals including cutting wasteful spending getting our economy back on track and making government smarter and more efficient.
We should be therefore supporting a larger Europe and in so doing we should strive to expand the zone of peace and prosperity in the world which is the necessary foundation for a stable international system in which our leadership could be fruitfully exercised.
I think our leadership team is a highly accountable leadership team.
All of this suggests that while citizens became more comfortable with President Bush after September 11 and thought him to have the requisite leadership skills they continue to harbor doubts about his priorities loyalties interests and policies.
Being a CEO still means sitting across the table from big institutional investors and showing your leadership and having them believe in you.
We've been sitting at the compromise table for a long time. We're just waiting for that cold chair to be warmed up by the Republican leadership. They still have time to do the right thing and be responsible. They just seem to be moving further and further away from it.
Aren't we at the point where the closer we get to chaos the more concern that there should be about coming to the table and compromising with Democrats? This is not leadership. This is almost like dictatorship.
Leadership in today's world requires far more than a large stock of gunboats and a hard fist at the conference table.
Einstein's results again turned the tables and now very few philosophers or scientists still think that scientific knowledge is or can be proven knowledge.
Aging is an inevitable process. I surely wouldn't want to grow younger. The older you become the more you know your bank account of knowledge is much richer.