Search For prove In Quotes 414

I have so many things to work on and so many ways that I fail. But that's what grace is all about. and I constantly wake up every morning trying to get better trying to improve trying to walk closer to God.

Pregnancy is a kind of miracle. Especially so in that it proves that a man and woman can conspire to force God to create a new soul.

That we must love one God only is a thing so evident that it does not require miracles to prove it.

I do not believe in God his existence has been disproved by Science. But in the concentration camp I learned to believe in men.

I can't prove it scientifically that there's a God but I believe.

Your idol is shattered in the dust to prove that God's dust is greater than your idol.

I'm most proud of the blessings that God has bestowed upon me in my life. He's given me the vision to truly see that you can fall down but you can still get back up. Hopefully I'll learn from my mistakes and have the opportunity to strengthen and improve the next thing I do.

I used to read five psalms every day - that teaches me how to get along with God. Then I read a chapter of Proverbs every day and that teaches me how to get along with my fellow man.

The very impossibility in which I find myself to prove that God is not discovers to me his existence.

God proved His love on the Cross. When Christ hung and bled and died it was God saying to the world 'I love you.'