I came to parenting the way most of us do - knowing nothing and trying to learn everything.
My childhood should have taught me lessons for my own fatherhood but it didn't because parenting can only be learned by people who have no children.
You can learn many things from children. How much patience you have for instance.
A new father quickly learns that his child invariably comes to the bathroom at precisely the times when he's in there as if he needed company. The only way for this father to be certain of bathroom privacy is to shave at the gas station.
Such is the audacity of man that he hath learned to counterfeit Nature yea and is so bold as to challenge her in her work.
One learns more from listening than speaking.And both the wind and the people who continue to live close to nature still have much to tell us which we cannot hear within university walls.
I'm so not stylish by nature but I've learned to work with what I have.
It is unfair to blame man too fiercely for being pugnacious he learned the habit from Nature.
The learned is happy nature to explore The fool is happy that he knows no more.
Sit down before fact as a little child be prepared to give up every conceived notion follow humbly wherever and whatever abysses nature leads or you will learn nothing.