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Since I was a child death is definitely something that I think about every day. But I think that everybody does. You try and avoid it but it's such a big thing that you can't.

I saw also that there was an ocean of darkness and death but an infinite ocean of light and love which flowed over the ocean of darkness.

Death is not an event in life: we do not live to experience death. If we take eternity to mean not infinite temporal duration but timelessness then eternal life belongs to those who live in the present.

Time rushes towards us with its hospital tray of infinitely varied narcotics even while it is preparing us for its inevitably fatal operation.

I'm honest about the journey I've been on so I definitely don't take dating lightly anymore.

Appearance is something you should definitely consider when you're going out. Have your girlfriend clip your nails or something like that.

I love being a single mom. But it's definitely different when you're dating.

My parents are very hard working people who did everything they could for their children. I have two brothers and they worked dog hard to give us an education and provide us with the most comfortable life possible. My dad provided for his family daily. So yes that is definitely in my DNA.

I can definitely tell when mum has got money because then she likes to go shopping to spend it whereas dad is steadier and avoids splurges. I like to think I've inherited both sides.

I had lost relationships with my dad my brother and sister and I was just like you know what this is definitely the time to just get it together and so that's what I did.