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The Founders believed liberty came directly from God. With their knowledge of Scripture they knew each child was made in the image of God. That is why everyone had dignity value and worth.

The general knowledge of time on the island depends curiously enough on the direction of the wind.

That the state of knowledge in any country will exert a directive influence on the general system of instruction adopted in it is a principle too obvious to require investigation.

A serious problem in America is the gap between academe and the mass media which is our culture. Professors of humanities with all their leftist fantasies have little direct knowledge of American life and no impact whatever on public policy.

Knowledge of what is does not open the door directly to what should be.

The Homeland Security department doesn't have tasking authority in the intelligence community. They can ask for stuff but they can't direct anything except inside their bureau.

The standard rumor at the time was that Rumsfeld as chief of staff had persuaded President Ford to appoint George H.W. Bush as director of Central Intelligence assuming that that got rid of a potential competitor for the presidency.

A lot of the things that we've been able to do in the last several years were Democratic ideas including the structure for this new director of national intelligence.

The National Intelligence Director needs the authority to do the job we are asking him to do. That means power over the intelligence budget. And to be effective to be allowed to do his or her job they must have authority over the budget.

The 9/11 Commission strongly recommends that the National Intelligence Director be fully in control of the budget from developing it to implementing it to ensuring that the National Intelligence Director has the clout to make decisions.