Search For depend In Quotes 515

I hope to make people realize how totally helpless animals are how dependent on us trusting as a child must that we will be kind and take care of their needs.

You earn very little money on independent films and I'm the provider for my home so I do have to think of taking one for the accountant time and again and that means studio pictures.

No man can call himself liberal or radical or even a conservative advocate of fair play if his work depends in any way on the unpaid or underpaid labor of women at home or in the office.

It may be that the satisfaction I need depends on my going away so that when I've gone and come back I'll find it at home.

At times we were forced to go through a history of dependence unable to determine our own destiny. But today we are at the threshold of a new turning point.

My place in history will depend on what I can do for the people and not on what the people can do for me.

Democratic nations must try to find ways to starve the terrorist and the hijacker of the oxygen of publicity on which they depend.

Conservatives shouldn't count on the Supreme Court to do our work for us on Obamacare. The Court may rule as it should and strike down the mandate. But it may not. And even if it does the future of health care in America - and for that matter the future of limited government - depends ultimately on the verdict of the American people.

We can't afford to sacrifice another generation of American children to bureaucratic politics. We've got to get it done. The future the health the life - our nation depends on it and it's just foolish to think or act otherwise.

While Haiti has recently celebrated more than 200 years of independence from French colonial rule the citizens of the island remain vulnerable to poverty poor health and political chaos.

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The art of Peace I practice has room for each of the world's eight million gods and I cooperate with them all. The God of Peace is very great and enjoins all that is divine and enlightened in every land.