Search For compute In Quotes 351

It was used for decades to describe talented computer enthusiasts people whose skill at using computers to solve technical problems and puzzles was - and is - respected and admired by others possessing similar technical skills.

Technology is like water it wants to find its level. So if you hook up your computer to a billion other computers it just makes sense that a tremendous share of the resources you want to use - not only text or media but processing power too - will be located remotely.

People are so bad at driving cars that computers don't have to be that good to be much better. Any time you stand in line at the D.M.V. and look around you're like Oh my God I wish all these people were replaced by computer drivers.

Electronic aids particularly domestic computers will help the inner migration the opting out of reality. Reality is no longer going to be the stuff out there but the stuff inside your head. It's going to be commercial and nasty at the same time.

I have a crazy amount of different jobs so the way I manage that is to not do more than one at a time. It's like old computers that had small memory chips they would do something called swapping where they would fill the memory with one task do it and get it out.

We're getting so pulled in by computers and technology and our kids have their face in the computers all day. The human relationship is being diminished by this.

Google is working on self-driving cars and they seem to work. People are so bad at driving cars that computers don't have to be that good to be much better.

I'm interested in all kinds of pictures however they are made with cameras with paint brushes with computers with anything.

Don't try to be like Jackie. There is only one Jackie. Study computers instead.

Sci-fi films are the epic films of the day because we can no longer put 10 000 extras in the scene - but we can draw thousands of aliens with computers.