Search For chris In Quotes 618

Stabilizing the euro is one thing healing the culture that surrounds it is another. A world in which material values are everything and spiritual values nothing is neither a stable state nor a good society. The time has come for us to recover the Judeo-Christian ethic of human dignity in the image of God.

One of the most important responsibilities in the Christian life is to care about others smile at them and be a friend to the friendless.

It seems true that the growth of science and secularism made organized Christianity feel under threat.

Acceptance of the power of God in one's life lays the groundwork for personal commitment to both science and Christianity which so often have been in conflict.

If Christianity is not scientific and Science is not God then there is no invariable law and truth becomes an accident.

Science has done more for the development of western civilization in one hundred years than Christianity did in eighteen hundred years.

There are a lot of people who consider themselves 'spiritual ' but that can mean a lot of things to a lot of people. I don't really talk about it that often because there's too much talk in the world. Especially with Christians there's more proselytizing than there is actual living proof of it. That's kind of sad.

Among the many reasons assignable for the sad decay of true Christianity perhaps the neglecting to assemble ourselves together in religious societies may not be one of the least.

Christmas makes everything twice as sad.

Christmas is a time of year that's so romantic.