My restaurants are never opened on Thanksgiving I want my staff to spend time with their family if they can. My feeling is if I can't figure out how to make money the rest of the year so that my workers can enjoy the holidays then I don't deserve to be an owner.
All the laws and legislation in the world will never heal this world like the loving hearts and arms of mothers and fathers. If every child could drift to sleep feeling wrapped in the love of their family - and God's love - this world would be a far more gentle and better place.
My friends and family are my support system. They tell me what I need to hear not what I want to hear and they are there for me in the good and bad times. Without them I have no idea where I would be and I know that their love for me is what's keeping my head above the water.
The great danger for family life in the midst of any society whose idols are pleasure comfort and independence lies in the fact that people close their hearts and become selfish.
Every child should have a caring adult in their lives. And that's not always a biological parent or family member. It may be a friend or neighbor. Often times it is a teacher.
When I remember my family I always remember their backs. They were always indignantly leaving places.
The attempt to redefine the family as a purely voluntary arrangement grows out of the modern delusion that people can keep all their options open all the time.
It's very strange that most people don't care if their knowledge of their family history only goes back three generations.
When you have a godly husband a godly wife children who respect their parents and who are loved by their parents who provide for those children their physical and spiritual and material needs lovingly you have the ideal unit.
Maybe there is no actual place called hell. Maybe hell is just having to listen to our grandparents breathe through their noses when they're eating sandwiches.